


God speaks through His Word [scripture] and spoke through his Son, therefore the Word of God and the Word made flesh is our guide in all we do.


God really loves people. So much so, He sent his Son Jesus to die for people. We are a community of people who seek to love and sacrificially serve all people according to the heart of the Father.


God is an all-powerful God, and He has extended all of His power to His people, for the advancement of the Kingdom. Therefore, we use gifts and the miraculous to advance His Kingdom and church. 


The Holy Spirit has been extended to His people for intimacy, clarity, and to help us bear fruit. Therefore we walk in step with the Spirit and produce fruit that shines the light of Jesus. 


God created His people to be hearers and doers of His word and gave us an example through Jesus. Therefore, we seek to live like Jesus wherever God has placed us in culture. At Bright City, we call this The Way of The Bright. 


At Bright City, we have “Owners” rather than “Members”.

The reason for this is because throughout the New Testament, Paul uses the term “co-worker”. In Romans 16, he takes the time to list some of those co-workers by name. We love this because it means the local church is the fruit from the faithful work of many rather than a few.

At Bright City, we call this “Ownership”. We use this term because before Jesus ascended, He extended personal ownership to the willing, for the advancement of the church and kingdom. 

So what does ownership look like at Bright City? Here’s what the fruit of being an owner looks like. They are:

  • Committed to making Bright City your local church by completion of TWØTB [The Way of the Bright] Ownership Group. For more information, please visit

  • Ongoing regular participation and/or leadership in a Bright City group. 

  • Contribution of gifts to be used within the Local church and our local community. 

  • Faithfulness in generosity by tithing to Bright City. 

This isn’t a comprehensive list, but it’s a great start to owning the mission of Jesus at Bright City. 


Welcome to Bright City

